Best Starcraft 2 Protoss Army Compositions
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If you want to be effective as a Protoss player in
Starcraft 2, you need to use the right units in the right numbers. The number and type of units that forms
your army in Starcraft 2 is known as the army composition.
Some compositions are only strong in the earlier portions of the game whereas combinations are only good versus
specific races. Below, you will find a variety of army compositions that you can use at each stage of the game. The
strength of these compositions against each individual race will be noted as well.
Early Game Compositions
Mid Game Compositions
Late Game Compositions
Click on any of the links above to jump to the section below covering the best army compositions for that time
period in the game. If you are losing in the late game, check out the late game section, whereas if you feel like
you cannot make an attack in the early game, check out the early game section.
Early Game Compositions
While there are not many Protoss units to choose from in the early game, this is often where Protoss players
make the biggest mistakes in choosing their army composition. New players tend to warp in some of each of the three
Gateway units without thinking too much of
Against Protoss
Against Protoss players, you will want to focus on primarily Stalkers and Zealots in the early game. Stalkers
are the priority, as with their high speed and long range, they can easily kite enemy Zealots. Zealots alone do not
work well, but rather can be added in to provide a damage shield for your Stalkers. Good Protoss players will micro
around Zealots, but given how much cheaper Zealots, whenever an enemy player is attacking your Zealots with their
Stalkers while your Stalkers are attacking the enemy's Stalkers, you are doing well.
A Sentry or two can be added for defensive Force Fields or a Guardian Shield or two, but you do not want to
invest too heavily in Sentries in PvP in the early game. They have low HP and are easily sniped by focus fire with
enemy Stalkers.. The 100 gas that each Sentry costs could just as easily be two more Stalkers.
Against Terran
Even moreso than in mirror matches, Protoss players should emphasize the Stalker in the early game versus
Terran. With good micro, a Stalker or two can take out a large number of Marines. Zealots are only good for
breaking down Bunkers or wall-ins. If there is no Bunker or Wall In for the Zealot to attack, they do not
contribute much.
Sentries also do not contribute much in the early phases of the game. Sentries are slow and have a short range.
Stalkers should out-micro enemy Marines anyway, taking no damage, so there is no real advantage to Guardian Shield
in the first few minutes of a game.
The Mothership Core is also a very useful unit in early attacks. The Mothership Core can help increase the
Stalker's ability to out-micro Marines with Time Warp. It can also be used to take out Marauders.
By the mid game, Zealots and Sentries become much more useful versus Terran, as discussed below.
Against Zerg
While the Sentry is shunned in the early game versus Protoss and Terran, it shines against Zerg players. Protoss
players going up against Zerg players should focus almost exclusively on building Sentries. Protoss players will
need their early minerals spent in order to get up a Nexus at the natural expansion as well as adding on a Photon
Cannon or two, possibly a second Forge, and a large number of Gateways. The Protoss player will bank up gas during
this time, which can easily be converted into Sentries.
Getting out early Sentries allows them to build up energy for mid game timing attacks. You need a lot of energy
for Guardian Shield and a large number of Force Fields to make these attacks work, so it is important to get out
your Sentries early.
A few Zealots are often added and used to plug the wall into the Zerg base. A Stalker may be added as well to
chase away Overlords, although Sentries can accomplish this same task.
Mid Game Compositions
In the mid-game, the best Starcraft 2 Protoss army compositions and unit combinations will change significantly
from the early game. By the mid game, all Gateway units become useful in all three race match ups and remain useful
for the remainder of the match. Additionally, all varieties of tier 2 units may be added, depending upon your
strategy as well as the race of the opponent you are playing against.
Against Protoss
In the mid game, the Protoss army starts to show some significant variation. There are many viable army
compositions for Protoss players in the mid game in PvP. As far as Gateway units go, Zealots and Stalkers find
there way into virtually every mid-game composition. It is hard to have too many of either of these units. Sentries
are useful, but do not overproduce them. You only need 3-4 for Force Fields and Guardian Shield. The rest of your
vespene will be better spent on your tier 2 or tier 3 unit of choice.
Gateway units alone are not viable by the mid game. They will need some sort of support. Dark Templar,
Immortals, and Void Rays are the most popular support units in the early phases of the mid-game. Dark Templar
rushes are popular, and after the enemy gets detection, Dark Templar can be converted into Archons and incorporated
into the main army. Immortals are great versus enemy Stalkers, and getting out Robotics tech sets you up for
Colossi. Void Rays are great versus practically all Protoss units, and getting out the early Stargates sets up
the infrastructure for Tempests, which are great against Colossi.
Archons are good if the Protoss player is heavily invested in Gateway units. They will bust down enemy Force
Fields and quickly take out Zealots and Sentries. Archons fair okay against Immortals and Colossi, but have trouble
getting in range. Archons are weak against well-microed Stalkers though, so keep that in mind.
As a result, the best mid-game PvP compositions are typically built around 1 high tech unit, such as the
Immortal, the Archon, or the Void Ray, 3-4 Sentries, and the rest of the resources are spend on Stalkers and
Against Terran
While Zealots and Sentries are not particularly useful early in the game, they become extremely useful by the
mid-game. They become even better when used together. Once the Terran player gets out Stimpack or a Bunker, it is
no longer possible for the Protoss player to kite Marines units with Stalkers.
For attacking a fortified Terran position, Zealots and Sentries shine. Sentries are used to provide Guardian
Shield for the Zealots and can also use Force Field around the back of the enemy's Bunker to prevent it from being
repaired. The Zealots can attack it from the front, absorbing most Marine damage and helping to burn the Bunker
Stalkers are needed to effectively handle enemy Widow Mines, Hellbats, and Hellions. Zealots and Sentries alone
are weak against all these units.
Most Terran player focus on bio, and to stop that, you will need to add on either High Templar with Psionic
Storm (and possibly Archons) or Colossi with Extended Thermal Lance. You can get all three in the late game, but in
the mid game you will only have the resources to add one or the other to your army. These units are required to
take down large Marine, Marauder, and Medivac armies in the mid game.
Stalkers no longer stand up well to Marines in this part of the game, particularly if the Terran has a few
Marauders. This does not make Stalkers useless though. Their main purpose is to protect Colossi from enemy Vikings.
If you can use the Stalkers to take down the enemy's Vikings before the enemy can finish off your Colossi, you will
be in a good spot. Stalkers are also good at picking off enemy Medivacs, particularly when the Medivacs are about
to run away.
Against Zerg
Against Zerg players, Protoss players have several distinct army compositions that can all be very
The most popular mid game army composition is the Immortal and Sentry combination. The Protoss player will try
to get out as many Immortals as they can by Chrono Boosting a Robotics Facility or two. While this army involves
Gateway units, the Protoss can never get enough Sentries in this composition. The reason is that early Zerg players
typically only have Roaches, Zerglings, and Banelings, all of which are very short range units.
The Immortal has a range of 6, outranging all of these units. Whenever the Zerg attacks, the Sentries can just
create a Force Field wall, surrounding the Immortals and Sentries entirely. The Immortals can hit the Roaches from
a safe range while the shorter range Sentries can focus on Zerglings and Banelings that may be trying to get close.
After the initial attack, steady streams of Zealots or Stalkers can be warped in to reinforce the attack depending
on the enemy's army composition.
Protoss players can even go air against Zerg in the mid game. The Protoss Phoenix has a large Shields pool and
is a great air superiority unit. While it cannot attack structures on the ground, it can clear out any number
of Mutalisks and Overlords. When 4 Phoenix get together, they can easily take out a Queen or two at a time without
taking major damage. Phoenix can also handle a Hydralisk here and there, but will eventually get chased off once
Hydralisk numbers grow.
The hope is that the Protoss player can cause enough delay to get up the third expansion and focus on their late
game composition, with the Protoss using their advantage gained in the mid game to build a large unstoppable
Late Game Compositions
Protoss units are considered to be the strongest amongst the races in the late game. However, they also tend to
be the slowest to reproduce as well as the most expensive. While the late game army compositions mentioned below
are very strong, the hardest part is building such a large army in the first place. When you do get your late game
composition complete, be careful not to lose it (especially versus Zerg). In a close game, opponent is likely to be
able to re-macro much faster than you, especially if your army consists primarily of tier 2 and 3 units.
Against Protoss
Late game Protoss forces are similar to mid-game armies except that the armies also begin to favor air units.
Void Rays and Tempests are very good units in PvP, and they have no easy counter other than other Void Rays and
Tempests. Tempests counter Colossi, so once tier 3 air units appear, Colossi tend to stop being produced. Void Rays
are good versus Immortals as well, so if Void Ray numbers climb high enough, Protoss robotics tech can completely
disappear from late game army compositions.
Archons fair decently against Protoss air, so these may also be incorporated into armies. At 200/200 a few High
Templar may be used for Psionic Storm. While Plasma Shields really limits the effectiveness of Psionic Storm, by
the late game army sizes are large enough where it can be worth using. This is especially the case since High
Templar can morph into Archons after dumping their energy.
Carriers are not great in Protoss vs Protoss for the same reason the Colossi disappears in the late game: the
Tempest just deals too much damage to the Carrier for it to be useful.
Perhaps the ultimate Protoss vs Protoss deathball is a large mass of Tempests and Void Rays with a handful of
Archons and a couple of High Templar underneath.
Against Terran
Against primarily bio forces, the perfect Protoss army composition in the late game involves a healthy mix of
Zealots, Sentries, Stalkers, Colossi, High Templar, and Archons.
Zealots absorb most of the initial damage. Sentries provide Guardian Shield and help prevent enemy bio units
from kiting Zealots via Force Field. Stalkers are used to pick off enemy Vikings or Ghosts that may try to
attack your Colossi or High Templar. Colossi provide the DPS needed to take down bio units and are strong against
the Ghost. High Templar can use Psionic Storm to provide massive DPS to enemy Marines. Archons are great versus
Hellbats and (if they can get in range) all bio units).
If a Terran player invests fully into mech, full air is an excellent composition. Void Rays are strong versus
everything that comes out of the Factory. Void Rays are often kept out of Protoss vs Terran because Void Rays are
weak against the Marine. Against full mech players, the Marine is a non-issue, so large quantities of Void Rays can
be used.
The only unit the Terran can easily switch to that does well against Void Rays is the Viking. The catch is that
the Viking has to be perfectly microed. Additionally, the Viking has very low HP total. Vikings also do not perform
well against the Phoenix, especially if you can soften the Vikings up with Psionic Storm. High Templar are a good
addition to air-based armies against Terran not just for this purpose but also to use Feedback on enemy Ravens.
Against Zerg
Just like in the other Protoss race match-ups, there are two great end-game army compositions the Protoss can
use against Zerg players. The first, using a cluster of primarily ground units (called the Deathball), involves a
wide array of units types each with a special function. The second is a full on air approach.
The Protoss Deathball is a popular late game army composition versus Zerg. This involves a mix of
Zealots, Stalkers, Sentries, Immortals, Colossi, Archons, High Templar, Void Rays, and Tempest. If the Zerg's
forces are primarily ground-based, the focus is on the Colossi with a supporting cast of some Sentries and Zealots
to help absorb enemy damage. Some Stalkers are used to protect the Colossi from enemy air units and to snipe
valuable targets.
High Templar are needed to protect your Colossi from Vipers. Feedback is used on Vipers to prevent abduction.
Psionic Storm is also an excellent way to deal damage to clustered Zerg units of all varieties. After using their
energy, High Templar can morph into Archons, which are great all melee Zerg units (i.e. Zerglings, Banelings,
Ultralisks) and Tier 2 flyers (Mutalisks and Corruptors).
Stalkers, Sentries, Archons, and High Templar help protect the Colossi from enemy air units. Stalkers and
Sentries provide steady DPS while Psionic Storm and Archon attacks provide splash damage that can quickly burst
down large numbers of Corruptors and Mutalisks.
Immortals are often phased out of the Protoss deathball by late in the game. They are kept around until the
enemy Zerg stops making use of Roaches. Archons (as well as air units) handle Ultralisks with ease, but Immortals
can perform this task as well.
Air units may be added to the Deathball, particularly if the enemy starts to build large numbers of Corruptors
or Brood Lords. Void Rays can provide a lot of up-front DPS to Corruptors to protect your Colossi, while Tempests
are excellent at picking off Brood Lords before the Brood Lords ever even get in range.
The other good Protoss army composition for the late game is getting almost entirely air units, a composition
popularly known as SkyToss. Against Zerg players, this will focus on Void Rays, Tempests, and
Carriers. Phoenix, High Templar, Sentries, and Archons are sometimes used as support, depending on the opponent's
unit choices.
The way it works is that the Zerg player has no easy way of stopping Carriers, particularly once the Carriers
are fully upgraded. While Corruptors are good versus Carriers, they are very weak versus the Void Ray. Corruptors
also fall quickly to Psionic Storm and Archon attacks. Corruptors only perform so-so against the Tempest. As a
result, even mass Corruptors can be taken down by SkyToss armies, particularly with a few Archons, Sentries, and
High Templar on the ground for support.
The top Zerg players rely on large numbers of Spore Crawlers, Hydralisks, and Vipers to try to stop big SkyToss
fleets. With the long range of the Tempest, the Protoss can now siege these Spore Crawlers from a safe range.
Protoss players will try to use Vipers to Abduct Tempests and Carriers within range of the Spore Crawlers. With
enough Tempests, the Tempests can focus-fire down the enemy's Viper before it ever gets in range. Feedback can also
be used to stop Vipers.
In order for SkyToss to work, you will want to maximize your upgrades. Carriers work best when fully upgraded.
Additionally, you will need a large resource pool in order to afford this expensive army. Most players do not start
out going for SkyToss but slowly retool their army after each battle, replacing lost Gateway and Robotics Bay units
with air units until by the late game they have the ideal SkyToss army.
By using these recommended Starcraft 2 Protoss unit and army compositions at the appropriate time against the
proper race match-up, you will have a lot of success as a Protoss player in Starcraft 2.
