Race Match-Ups in Starcraft 2
Starcraft 2 Strategy Guide - Race
Match-Ups (you are here)
Naturally, Starcraft 2 strategies will differ based on your enemy's and your current race. Additionally, your
strategies will and should vary from game to game as your opponent's strategies also differ.
With that said, there are some recurrent themes among games the same race match-ups in Starcraft 2. By
understanding these general strategies, you can more effectively pick a strategy to use against your opponent.
Note: For specific Race vs Race strategies, see the individual articles on the left-hand side bar for each
Zerg vs Terran
For the Zerg player, Zerg vs Terran is all about getting a big economy. Zerg units simply are not as
strong as Terran units, end of discussion. You will need more units if you want to win (at least in most
With that said, it is also up to the Zerg player to build units which counter the Terran's selection. Banelings
and Infestors should be in your army when playing against Infantry/Bio, and you will need advanced tech (like
Ultralisks or Brood Lords) if the enemy gets a lot of Mech units.
For the Terran player, the Terran player really dictates the pace of the game. The Terran can slowly but
steadily grab expansions, using Siege Tanks, Bunkers, Widow Mines, Thors and Turrets to defend their expansions,
all while using drops to put constant pressure on the opponent.
Terran vs Protoss
In this match-up, Terran do very well versus Protoss units by opting for a bio push (Marines, Marauders, and
Ghosts) against units that come out of the Gateway, and using .
The key to this match-up at high levels of play is for the Terran player to counter Colossus, High Templar, and
Archon. If allowed to run rampant, either of these units will wreck Terran bio. The appropriate Terran counter is
EMP for Archons, Snipe for High Templar, and Vikings for the Colossus. It really is that cut and dry, but balancing
the perfect number of Ghosts and Vikings to counter the Protoss forces is harder than it sounds.
Some players use Mech against Protoss with varying degrees of success. Mech can be very effective versus Protoss
ground forces, but runs into inevitable problems against the Void Ray and Tempest.
Zerg vs Protoss
As a Zerg player, your first priority is to get down an efficient Spawning Pool at around 13 or 14 supplies.
This protects you against proxy and cheesy openers and also stops the Protoss player from blocking your expansion
with a Probe.
The Queen is a great unit for early defense in PvZ. Queens are strong versus all Protoss air, whereas Zerglings
and Spine Crawlers are very strong versus early Protoss ground.
The Zerg player is most susceptible in the mid-game to a timing attack of Sentries, Immortals, Zealots, and
Stalkers. Hold off early attacks of this nature with Queens, Zerglings, and automated defense (all gas-free) while
working towards Mutalisks. While Mutalisks are incredibly weak against the Phoenix, they are a good way to stop
Immortal/Sentry All-In variations, which lack significant amounts of anti-air. be sure to focus down the Sentries
first with your Mutalisks as the Sentry's Guardian Shield ability significantly decreases the Mutalisk's
In the late game, Protoss players can use practically any high-tier unit combination effectively against the
Zerg player. High Templar, Robo-based builds, and air (SkyToss) or some combination of the 3 are all viable
Protoss Mirrors
When facing a Protoss vs Protoss match-up, 1-base builds are typically the recommended opener. Even with the
existence of the Mothership Core, it can be very hard to stop early Gateway + Mothership Core attacks.
Terran Mirrors
Terran mirrors are almost entirely decided by who has the most Siege Tanks and who has air superiority. Siege
Tanks rule the ground, while air superiority is used to provide vision for Siege Tanks. Siege Tanks can shoot
farther than they can see, so if you control the skies, your Siege Tanks can outrange your opponent's!
Terran are a very slow race, so harassment via drops, Seeker Missiles, Auto Turrets, and Banshee tank sniping
should be used often.
Zerg Mirrors
When faced with a Zerg mirror match, you can expect to be consistently rushed in the lower leagues. Once you get
to the higher leagues, many players have opted for a build that involves a fast expansion and a Baneling Nest
around the 28 supply mark. This gives the Zerg just enough time to defend against early Zergling and Baneling
pushes without major economic sacrifices.
All bets are off on maps with short rush distances though - prepare for an early attack just to be safe.
Mutalisks are extremely strong in the ZvZ match-up. As a result, the strength of the Spore Crawler has been
increased significantly against the Mutalisk. Build some of your own Spore Crawlers to take advantage of this
Going into a game, you should already have an idea of what to expect from your opponent. If you are ever
uncertain about what to do versus a certain match-up or "hate to play" against a certain race, odds are you will
lose this match-up often. Pick up some strategies and watch some replays in order to get more comfortable with the
match you understand the least and your record will improve accordingly.
